You cant always be there, but we can

Tag: senior citizen care

Benefits of Respite Care

There will come a time where a caregiver will need the help of respite care. Respite care is temporary institutional or in-home care of a senior loved one who is ill, handicapped, or needs care around the clock. A caregivers, health and well-being need to be priorities, and giving yourself a break from those responsibilities as needed is key. Respite care will allow you to take a break from your daily care routine and manage the other responsibilities in your life. Read on and find some of the many benefits that respite care has to offer.

Find Relaxation Again

When it comes to your body, it needs adequate rest to function properly. If you fail to give it the rest it needs, you will begin to experience exhaustion and even depression. With optimal rest for your body, your mood will be enhanced. This will allow you to take on any caregiving responsibilities flawlessly, with a whole new outlook. 

Increase Your Social Life

People are creatures who need social engagement to avoid depression, as well as many other factors that can be debilitating at times. For a caregiver, it is important to avoid being isolated for extended periods of times. When you are constantly working with elderly loved ones, you can experience a mental and emotional breakdown. With respite care, it will allow you to take the time to have dinner with friends, attend a fun event, or even take a vacation, you know you deserve it.

Prevent Any Bad Habits

When a caregiver becomes overworked, they may turn to bad habits such as smoking, drinking, overeating, and other bad habits in an attempt to manage their stress. By choosing respite care you will have the ability to take some\ much deserved time off to relax and enrich your life with healthier habits such as fitness, journaling, meditation, or yoga. Preventing these bad habits is essential to be an efficient caregiver. Don’t allow yourself to become overworked.

Regardless of the reason your need for respite care, you want to make sure to choose the right senior care facility. That’s where we can help, here at Home Instead Senior Care we have years of experience working with the senior community and are here to help. Contact us anytime for additional information on our respite care service.

The Perks of Reliable Senior Transportation

As we age, more and more actions we take for granted become noticeably more difficult to perform. Naturally, with the degradation of eyesight, hearing, and more, leaving a senior citizen to transport themselves for errands and appointments can be a risk to their safety.

In response to this growing concern comes senior transportation providers. The service, much as the title implies, involves having a trusted professional take your senior to their crucial appointments. Understandably, many are a little averse initially to leaving their family or loved one in the hands of a stranger. Fortunately, relying on the service comes with a number of benefits for both you and your loved one! Read on for a few of the most noticeable perks that come with seeking out trustworthy senior transportation.


As much as you’d like to open yourself up to your senior at all times, you have responsibilities and a life of your own to maintain. As a result, a senior who has lost their ability to transport themselves can quickly come to feel cooped up and trapped in their home or living quarters. With a transportation service however, a professional is made available at all hours to accommodate your loved one’s needs. By opening up this avenue, you allow you senior the ability to feel a renewed sense of freedom, one that will do wonders for their mental health.

Rest for Family Caregivers

In the case of a senior citizen who has lost the ability to transport themselves, responsibilities often fall on the family to pick up where their loved one cannot. Naturally, having to balance this with things like their own work and errands can make rest a fool’s dream. Being able to rely on a professional for transportation, even if only part time, can give family that much needed time R & R they’ve been missing.

Improved Emotional Health

You’d be surprised to hear just how much of your mental health is tied to your ability to perform hobbies outside and breathe in the fresh air. Naturally, the same goes for your senior citizen. A senior transportation service can afford your loved one the ability to indulge in their hobbies, visit friends, and do more that stands to perform miracles for their mental and even physical health!


Don’t trick yourself into thinking you’re the only one responsible for caring for your loved one. Work with a team and reap the benefits a proven service can bring you and those you care for!